Essential Faculty Information

The information below can assist faculty and staff in partnering with SAS to create an accessible and inclusive environment for individuals with disabilities.

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Purpose of the Accommodation Process

Understand more about the fundamental goal of nondiscrimination and equitable access.

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What Faculty Need to Know about the Course Accessibility Letter

Important information about the Course Accessibility Letter emailed every semester.

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Faculty Resources for Creating Accessible Course Materials

Course accessibility strategies and resources provided by the Office of the Provost.

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Syllabus Statement

Include a statement in your syllabus to show your commitment to access in your course. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) offers these examples for you to use.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Many students come to SAS based on a referral from a professor. If the student mentions specific academic concerns, such as needing more time for exams or challenges with concentration, let them know about SAS and our resources. If unsure if SAS is the right place, you can also mention CAPS and SARC or other options based on circumstance.

When referring to SAS, we recommend saying something along the lines of “SAS will determine if any accommodations are reasonable for you.” It is critical to not promise upfront that you will facilitate certain accommodations upon SAS approval. Many students who come to SAS do not have disabilities or they request accommodations that are not reasonable to their situation. Advance promises can create significant problems.

Students can receive accommodations at any point in the semester. However, for some accommodations, it may not be reasonable for it to be applied right away since time may be needed to implement.

No, faculty do not have to retroactively apply accommodations prior to receiving a Course Accessibility Letter or other contact from SAS but may choose to do so at their discretion.

Reach out to SAS directly to discuss any accommodation concerns you may have. We are happy to help faculty talk through if an accommodation may not be reasonable in a specific course. Be sure to consult with SAS first before denying the student the accommodation.

Students with disabilities as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). SAS is not able to assist students for whom English is a second language or who may be facing difficult life circumstances unrelated to a disability.

Students are informed they must notify course instructors of the intent to use extra time for any online test or quiz at least two days prior to each assessment. Professors may choose to proactively program the extra time before receiving student notification or may choose to wait for the student to make a formal request.

Instructions on how to extend time for tests and quizzes can be found at:

More information on how to add accommodations to Honorlock can be found at:


The Purpose of Accommodations, UCF Student Accessibility Services