What is the Attendance, Exam, and Assignment Adjustment (AEAA)?

The Attendance, Exam, and Assignment Adjustment (AEAA) is appropriate when a student has a chronic disabling physical or mental condition that is cyclic in nature. The student’s condition is stable; however, periodic flare-ups impact course attendance/assignments and are unpredictable. The AEAA accommodation should only be considered when natural course options available to all students do not cover a student’s specific medical situation.

AEAA is not a free pass to miss class whenever or to submit assignments when desired. Responsibility for completing classwork is always in effect. The AEAA accommodation supports occasional and slight adjustments to attendance, make-up exams, and assignment deadlines when necessary for medical reasons.

Students with the AEAA accommodation will have one of two options listed on the Course Accessibility Letter:

AEAA Student Initiated: With this option, the student contacts the course professor to discuss an AEAA course plan. Students and faculty are encouraged to finalize a specific plan in writing by using the AEAA – Student Initiated Plan or by outlining a plan by email. Details on course attendance adjustments and make-up exam or assignment options, if any, need to be clearly stated in writing. The plan must be created BEFORE any absences or missed work occurs. The AEAA only applies to absences or missed work directly associated with the medical reason for which the AEAA was approved.


AEAA Coordinated by SAS: With this option, the student requests that SAS create an AEAA course plan with the professor. Start this option by completing the AEAA Course Request Form. An Accessibility Consultant will follow up with you and begin creating plans for your courses. Allow up to 7 business days for SAS to complete these plans.

Faculty need not act on either option until the student or SAS contacts the professor to discuss implementation. Faculty may choose to work with SAS to create a plan even if the student prefers initiating the process directly with course professors.