Accelerated Consideration

Accelerated Consideration can be considered for these accommodations:

  • Time-and-half or double time for exams
  • Distraction-reduced environment for exams
  • Text-to-speech for exams
  • Note-taking Technology
  • Accessible furniture
  • Adjustable table

Only Request Accommodations on the List Above:  SAS will only consider approving accommodations on the list above through the Accelerated Consideration option. If the student requests any of the above accommodations PLUS any accommodations not on this list, SAS will consider and approve accommodations from the list when possible. SAS will also inform the student of a need to schedule a meeting to discuss any additional accommodation requests. The student will receive next steps communication via their UCF email after the Accelerated Review is complete.

Complete Application and Submit Documentation: Students must complete the Student Application link AND must provide documentation at the time of application submission to receive Accelerated Consideration. If documentation is not provided within 1 hour of the application being submitted, the student will automatically be scheduled for a Welcome Meeting.

  • Application Requirements: Students pursuing the Accelerated Consideration option should provide thorough responses to the questions within the application to help SAS understand why the requested accommodations are academically necessary due to disability.
  • Documentation Requirements: Documentation reviewed within the Accelerated Consideration process must include the following components:
    • Specific reference to a disability or diagnosis
    • Specific recommendation only for accommodations listed within the Accommodation Consideration accommodation option list
    • Details from the documentation author as to why the recommended accommodations are necessary to address functional impacts related to the disability/diagnosis (The documentation cannot only state that the accommodation is necessary because of ‘X’ disability/diagnosis. SAS needs to understand the purpose behind the accommodation.)

SAS Review: SAS Accessibility Consultants will review your application and documentation upon submission. Within two business days, you will be notified if any accommodations are approved through Accelerated Consideration or if a Welcome Meeting needs to be scheduled.

When Accommodations Approved: If accommodations are determined to be reasonable through Accelerated Consideration, the student will receive an email with instructions and the next steps. Students may still choose to schedule a meeting to discuss the process for using approved accommodations. Students may also choose to request other accommodations after approval, which would require a meeting with an SAS consultant.

When More Information Needed: If the application or documentation does not provide the necessary information to determine reasonable accommodations through Accelerated Consideration, the student will receive an email with steps to schedule a Welcome Meeting.